Sri Chinmoy - official page of the composer of all the songs we perform.
Sri Chinmoy Songs - website dedicated to the music of Sri Chinmoy. You can view song lyrics and musical notation when available.
Radio Sri Chinmoy - a large archive with streamed audio music of Sri Chinmoy and other groups inspired by his music. You can listen to some of Ananda’s CDs on this site.
Sri Chinmoy Centre – site dedicated to the activities of the Sri Chinmoy Centres worldwide including concerts of meditative music and free meditation classes in many cities around the world. There is a UK section dedicated to the activities of the UK Sri Chinmoy Centres with an upcoming events list.
Learn to meditate in the UK - where, when and how to learn meditation in the UK.
Gandharva Loka Orchestra – a large group of musicians and singers (sometimes up to 80 people!) from all over the world who have performed in many Songs of the Soul concerts.
Pavaka - guitarist, vocalist and all-round cool dude, the versatile Pavaka has performed with many different musicians in his life.
Japaka Orchestra – a group of musicians from Czech and Slovakia that arrange Sri Chinmoy’s music in an upbeat, folk-music style with a sense of humour! They give many concerts in Central Europe and also play at races including the Prague Marathon.
Temple-Song-Hearts - an all female ensemble of singers and musicians who arrange Sri Chinmoy's music using voice, piano, flute, clarinet, recorder, cello and french horn. They have played concerts all over the world.
Shindhu - a group of musicians from England who give concerts from time to time.
Ed Silverton - artist who has drawn the covers for the first 3 CDs we have produced.
Sri Chinmoy Biography - biography of Sri Chinmoy and up to date news on his activities.