Ananda 2 - Lyrics and Translations
1. Amayik Mor Nam
2. Je Dekhe Kache
3. Sachimata Dake
4. Chinta Karina
5. Jibaner Dake
6. Hasi O Kanna
7. Antare Mor
8. O Dream of God
9. Param Shanti
10. Din Rajani
11. Praner Thakur
12. Hriday Gabhire
13. Ar Katokal
14. Bidhata Tomai
Amayik Mor Nam
Amayik mor nam
Prabhu pada dhuli mama hiya dhan
Sakaler piche sakaler niche thakibo
Ghume jagarane madhura swapane hashibo
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Je Dekhe Kache
Je dekhe kache
Se britha ache
Je dekhe dure
Se shudhu ghure
Je here toma
Se bale o ma
Ami tomar tumi amar
Sachimata Dake
Sachimata dake Nimai Nimai
Pratidhani kahe nai nai nai
The mother of Sri Chaitanya
Is crying for her son, Nimai.
The echo answers,
“He is not here! He is not here! He is not here!”
Chinta Karina
Chinta karina tarka karina
Nirbhar kari shishur mato
Jemane chalao temane chali
Tomar tushti amar brato
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Jibaner Dake
Jibaner dake hasi maraner dake kandi
Jibane marane jena taba pade more bandhi
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Hasi O Kanna
Hasi o kanna ei jibaner
Chira lukochuri khela
Kahare dakibo kahare tyajibo
Samukhe amar bhela
My tears and my smiles
Are eternally playing hide and seek.
I do not now whom to accept and whom to reject.
My life-boat is carrying both
My tears and my smiles.
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Antare Mor
Antare mor jyotir plaban bahire mor alo
Jyotite aj dubiche pran kothao nai kalo
Jyoti dhyane achi tanmoy
Jyoti shudhu chira akhoy
Jyotir jyoti tomai priya
Basi shudhui bhalo
Within and without me is the flood of light.
Today darkness I see nowhere.
Eternity’s Light has become my very own
And this Eternity’s Light I love only.
O Dream of God
O dream of God, O dream of man,
Your soul smiles in perfection plan.
O love of truth, O truth of love,
I see your flood of dance above.
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Param Shanti
Param Shanti biraj karuk
Prati manaber ghare
Mahanander plaban heribo
Vishwa prabhu bare
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Din Rajani
Din rajani palan jara kare dharar niti
Tara pabe prati khane param prabhur priti
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Praner Thakur
Praner thakur ami tomar
Hater putul
Kabhu hasi kabhu nachi
Na kare bhul
O my Inner Pilot, I am Your doll.
At times I smile,
At times I dance.
I never make any mistake.
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Hriday Gabhire
Hriday gabhire praloban sathe
Karite haibe judha
Bijayi haile haibo amije
Abhinaba ek budha
At every moment, in the depths of my heart,
I shall have to fight against all my temptations.
Then I will be another Buddha
With all the unique qualities of the Absolute.
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Ar Katokal
Ar katokal karbo larai
Maner sathe
Ei kathati sudhai ami
How long do I have to continue
Fighting with my mind?
This is the question I am asking
The Lord of the Universe.
Bidhata Tomai
Bidhata tomai karechhe baran
Tai nai bandhan
Dhara adharai tumi mahajan
Ami heya abhajan
The Lord Supreme has accepted you
As His very own.
Therefore, on earth and in Heaven
You are great, very great.
But I am a man of no consequence
Because God has not accepted me.
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In Ananda 2, Ananda are:
Suswara (Harmonium, Clarinet, Vocals)
Dave (Guitar, Flute, Vocals)
Sahadeva (Vocals)
Devashishu (Vocals)
Garga (Esraj, Bouzouki, Vocals)
Cover Illustration: Vilas Ed Silverton
Music composed by Sri Chinmoy
Arrangements by Ananda